2023 Summer Program
- Mon, Jun 26 - Jun 30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Designed for ages 7, 8 and 9
- 350.00 per child
- By Christi Sargent, Visiting Educator
The Pirate Code was a group of rules that all pirates had to follow aboard a ship. This was how things 'worked' and kept order among a group of possibly unruly pirates. Everyone had to sign it and live by it. Sounds like a good plan, no?
Join Captain Christi Sargent and her Apprentice crew to set off for adventures. First, you need a ship, of course. You will build a beauty of a pirate ship to carry your small crew members, who will have to sign a (teeny tiny) code of conduct.
Make a dancing pirate and a treasure map. Build a treasure chest for you to store the booty you discover when you take part in a Treasure Hunt.
Make your Pirate outfit – right down to the parrot on your shoulder – to wear when you set sail on Friday in a specially built lagoon. Invite your families to see you off on Friday afternoon.
And no aargh-uing among yourself Mateys...(one of major the rules of the code!)