2009 Summer Program
- Mon, Aug 10 - Aug 14, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Designed for ages 5, 6 and 7
- 210.00 per child
- By Melissa Fitzmaurice, David G. Carter Educator,
and Wanda Faison, Educator and Care Co-ordinator
Everything excited Leonardo da Vinci’s imagination, but nothing more than water. It runs through the background of the Mona Lisa; it fills his drawings and science. Construct his boats that sail, paddle, and submerge. Construct his siphons and squirt guns. Follow his instructions for blowing and testing bubbles. Join the class in constructing and testing canals and dams. Build a floating vessel to carry your tools and constructions. And every day, find fresh ways to play with water.