Annual Appeal 2018

Eli Whitney Museum

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Membership in the Workshop
We have changed the way we define Membership.
Every family that participates in, or supports our programs, will be designated a Member. This folds membership fees into your gifts or tuition payments. Your contributions are more important than ever. Your generosity underwrites our commitment to accessibility and to lively experiments. This change will help simplify our online registration and record keeping without increasing the net cost of our workshops.

In a year of unnerving rhetoric, remember the power of play.

Children play to explore, to understand, to make things work.

Children embrace big ideas. It makes sense that even Pirates established codes to govern fairness on their adventures. It makes sense that Pirate crews accepted able sailors from many ports. it makes sense that not all Pirate captains were men.

We are not training young Pirates. We are encouraging children to play well with others, to revel in the kaleidoscopic richness of diversity, to accept that gender does not determine talent, to embrace with wonder how much the world has to share.

We write to thank you for all that children have built here with your support and to ask for your continued help, You open workshops to children regardless of their neighborhoods or nations they were born in. You help us make a long investment in the imaginations and drive of the 90 Apprentices who give the work scale and depth. Your generosity begets generosity and civility that will equip a next generation to make the world work.

Bill Brown – Sally Hill

Your donations are spread out among the 5 different funds which support our teaching:

A story with characters all the same is not worth reading.

The Open Workshop Fund reduces or eliminates the cost of projects for children whose families or schools lack the resources to join our workshops or field trips.

  • 235 Summer Workshop Scholars
  • 28 Scholarships for Refugee Children (with IRIS)
  • 840 Reduced cost projects for most-in-need children.

To become a good teacher, first make yourself a good learner.

The Apprentice Fund supports training. Apprentices develop expertise, poise, confidence and wisdom. The Apprentice Fund supports direct and indirect training, individual mentoring, experimental projects, design challenges and the social experience that is essential to maturing in a workplace.

Underwrites time for experiment, practice, and research – building trust and growth. The median Apprenticeship is between 3 and 9 years.

In building characters, be fair and generous with the powers you bestow.

The Catherine Greene Fund encourages girls to try activities traditionally associated with boys. Caty Greene was the vivacious, bold and independent widow who supported the young Whitney's work on the cotton gin. We return the encouragement.

  • 12 Summer scholarships for girls with unbounded curiosity

The Polly Lada Mocarski Prize recognizes young women leaders.

Detail, detail, detail is what makes uncertain characters 'real'. The Jack Viele Fund provides extra hands to overcome small and substantial obstacles that some children encounter.

  • 780 hours of support each summer for children who lack the strength, or confidence, or patience to master our projects.
  • 9 Scholarships: extra assistance for families facing extra challenges.

To understand the mammoth Dutch project to manage sea levels, start with models in 1/1000th scale…(the tiny 3D printed engineers you see here in front of the Rotterdam canal gate.

The Stewardship Fund trains and guides the Apprentices who manage the site to support the beauty and diversity that Whitney encountered here in 1798.

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