Gilbert Catalog
Price in 1946: Unlisted
lt’s the glory of "HO" railroading. combining authentic appearance with breath-taking performance. This smoking, "choo-chooing" Red Ball with Permanent Magnet motor deserves its reputation as the finest value miniature train ever offered. Set consists of: 1 HO-151 N.Y.C. Hudson type (4-54) Locomotive and Tender, 14" long; 1 HO-123 "Pacific Fruit Express" Ref. Car, Tuscan red with orange sides, ladder and catwalk; 1 HO-127 "T.&P." Gondola, Green with white lettering: 1 HO-124 "Merchants Dispatch" Ref. Car, Tuscan red. white sides. ladder and catwalk: 1 HO-126 "Sinclair" Tank Car, Black tank, white lettering; 1 HO-125 "Shell" Tank Car. Orange colored tank, black lettering; 1 HO-129 "N.H." Drop-center Flat Car, loaded with giant transformer; 1 HO-131 illuminated Caboose with cupola, brass end rails and ladders; 12 8 3/8" sections HO-260 curve; 2 8" sections HO-261 straight (makes 116" oval); Track Terminal.