Price in 1949: $45.00
27 pieces. 65" long.
Only American Flyer brings you a passenger train that handles mail like a real mainliner. While your train is racing over the rails, you press a remote control button. Then from the mail pick-up car a metal arm reaches out and grabs up a sack of mail — while another sack comes tumbling to the ground. What an exciting train to operate at night, too, Its Lucite electric headlight throws a long beam down the realistic two-rail track, lights twinkle from the three coaches. Smoke and "choo-choo" sounds till the air. 100 or 250 Watt Transformer recommended.
Set consists of: No. 322AC die-cast Locomotive and Tender with Lucite electric headlight, 19"; 718R Automatic Mail Pick-up Car with Control Box, 10 3/4"; 3 650-R Coaches, illuminated, 10 3/4". Track: 12 No. 702 curved, 4 No. 700 straight, 1 No. 706 uncoupling device and control box, 1 No. 712 Automatic Track Section, 1 No. 690 Track Terminal, 16 No. 693 Track Locks. Track makes 160" oval.
Price, $45.00 . . . Denver and west, $47.25
Price in 1950: $34.95
Here's a train that looks and handles like a real mainliner! Powerful New York Central type locomotive built to set new speed records on your pike. Outfit features the exciting mail pick·up car. While train speeds along the rails, metal arm reaches out and grabs mail sack while another sack tumbles to ground! It all happens by remote control! Life-like coaches are illuminated. Track forms 160" oval. Train measures 5 ft., 5 in.
1 No. 322AC New York Central Locomotive and Tender. Big locomotive is die-cast and has removable boiler front. Flat wheels, (4-6-4). Built from real railroad blue prints. Tender is Bunker type and has life-like coal pile. Locomotive and Tender measure 19".
1 No. 718 Automatic Mail Pick-Up Car with control box. 10 3/4". Operates by remote control.
3 No. 650R Illuminated coaches. 10 3/4" — 12 sec. No. 702 Curved Track — 4 sec. No. 700 Straight Track ---·- 1 No. 706 Uncoupling device and control box ----- 1 No. 712 Automatic Track Section, 1 No. 690 Track Terminal - 16 No. 693 Track Locks — Illustrated Train Booklet.
Price. $34.95. Denver and Wat, $36.70.