Pre-K, K, 1 (b)

Eli Whitney Museum

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2020 Weatherperson

Weather Man 2013

It doesn't take a meteorologist to know which way the wind blows…to paraphrase a favorite songwriter, but it does take some learning and some practice to understand the 4 cardinal directions, N, E, S,W and how the direction of the wind affects our weather.

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2020 Life Stages - Plants or Animals

2020 Life Stages - Plants or Animals thumbnail

Each living thing goes through stages of development. Construct a small theater with scenes that change to present the growth cycle of plants or animals. We offer materials to study typically pumpkins or butterflies. With a design flexible enough for teachers and students to go back to their classes and present another life cycle on the reverse side of each stage block.

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2020 Building Bugs

2020 Building Bugs thumbnail

Consider the parts of a bug. Six legs, eyes, abdomen, antennae, wings (or not), spiracles, color to hide (or not). Study models and pictures and construct your own bug to understand the names and purposes of the parts.

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