Capoeira Amazonia

Eli Whitney Museum

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2016 Summer Program

Campers will embark on a weeklong journey introducing them to the culture that is home to the Amazon rainforest. They will learn Capoeira, Music, Creative Movement, Dance and Brazilian Folklore from a cast of 4 teachers including mestre Efraim Silva.

Influenced by sounds and sights of the rainforest, they will explore creative movement to make performance pieces of their own. Participants will show their newly developed skills and creativity in an informal performance on the last afternoon of the week.

With a special guest teacher, Thelma Ladeira, who will introduce students to Samba!

Click this link to go to The Daily Nutmeg article from June 14th about Mestre Efraim and the Art of Capoeira at Connecticut Capoeira & Dance Center

More about mestre Efraim and the Center and


capoiera 2016



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