The Drawdio

Eli Whitney Museum

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Ages 9 – 12


Vacation Program

  • Friday, April 20, 2018
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Designed for ages 9 to 12
  • By Ana Tavares,
    and Andrew Sargent, Site Historian & Lead Educator,
    and Wm Brown, Director Emeritus, EWM

The Drawdio was first conceived at MIT’s Media lab by Jay Silver, a scientist who designs tools to do just what we are doing: encourage young hands to experiment. He shares his designs. Our project has been refined by Alex Tavares.

Construct a Drawdio. The Drawdio combines, what else? a 555 Chip with and oscillator circuit and a pencil. A pencil? The pencils’s carbon works as a resister. Move your fingers along the pencil line the pitch will change. Which is to say: you become part of the device.

Afternoon: Play with a Theramin: a musical instrument devised by Leon Theramin almost 100 years ago. Sculpt electronic components to practice your soldering skills. Or hack, add to or decorate your Drawdio. Or take apart clocks.

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