Garage Band

Eli Whitney Museum

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Ages 9 – 12


Vacation Program

  • Wednesday, April 18, 2018
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Designed for ages 9 to 12
  • By Ana Tavares,
    and Jesse Newbold, Visiting Educator

The 555 Chip also help generate sounds. Garage Band is a whole studio of tools that will let you build with sounds on your computer.

Garage Band is a whole studio of tools that will let you build with sounds on your computer. You can download the program for free. This workshop is the introduction you will need to get started. You don’t have to be a musician or even musical.

Garage Band has stored a huge library of sounds and rhythms. You can add your own tones and beats with a keyboard. But the keyboard is just a line of switches. Devices like the Makey-Makey let you add unusual switches: a banana, for example. Experiment with devices that you can make, switch and control. You can sample and edit your output with Garage Band. Then orchestrate it and play it back. Take control. Be your own composer.

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