
Eli Whitney Museum

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Ages 9 – 12


Vacation Program

  • Thursday, April 19, 2018
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Designed for ages 9 to 12
  • By Ana Tavares,
    and Andrew Sargent, Site Historian & Lead Educator,
    and Wm Brown, Director Emeritus, EWM

How did we divide up the flow of electricity before the 555 Chip?

Construct an and electro mechanical oscillator. This experiment helps you visualize the switching that is going on inside the 555 Chip. This is an electromagnet that uses its pull to turns itself off and on. You can adjust the speed of that switching. A beautiful and simple instrument to make the invisible flow of electrons visible.

Afternoon: choose to construct another Downie pendulum: this one built around a paper clip! And/or sculpt electronic components to practice your soldering skills. Or hack, add to or decorate your Oscillator. Or take apart clocks.

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