Peace by Piece

Eli Whitney Museum

Show Menu

Monday, January 17

Peace by Piece

ages 6 to 12
9 am-3pm
Thumbnail of Peace by Piece project

This MLK Day we pay homage to two African-American artists, Alma Thomas and Bisa Butler.

Help us honor artist Alma Thomas, the first African-American woman to have a solo art exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City in 1972. Bring shapes and colors to life by recreating an illuminated collage that stirs the senses when lit up by an LED. Light up your window or room with shadows you create and learn how Thomas crafted her beautiful expressionist pieces.

Next, become inspired by the quilting art of Bisa Butler. Design your own framed quilt as a metaphor for the interwoven fabric of a community. Tell the story of children’s dreams being nurtured and their hopes becoming a reality energized by the children’s book Dream Street by Tricia Elam Walker & Ekua Holmes, (Anne Schwartz Books).

Convert your fabric collaging skills into a group project. Come together with your friends and create a larger quilt, symbolizing a metaphor for peace and working together piece by piece.

Educator: Kiran Zaman
Fee: $70

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We strive to make our programs accessible to all. Please give us a call at 203.777.1833 to discuss opportunities for financial aid or sponsor a scholarship.

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Bisa Butler 2022



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