Enchanted Houses

Eli Whitney Museum

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for ages 6-8

Thumbnail of Enchanted Houses project

2024 Summer Program

When you walk in the woods, you know that birds and animals nest and burrow there. It is also easy to imagine other creatures who live there tending to the flowers and community. In fact, this instinct to imagine that elves, gnomes, and fairies build homes hidden among the trees is an ancient one.

Construct and clothe a family of fairies, elves, or gnomes. Build a home for your magical friends. Use bark, rocks, feathers, acorn caps, sticks, and vines to make your home comfortable and well-hidden in any wood lot or backyard. (All the materials will be durable in any weather — well-suited for the outdoors.)

Consult the considerable literature on woodland architecture and craft. Learn new techniques and tools. Add a garden and well to your house and perhaps a boat to add to the adventure.

2024 enchanted houses

Gnome House

Gnome House

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