Mud Works

Eli Whitney Museum

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for ages 6-8

Thumbnail of Mud Works project

2024 Summer Program

Mud week has become a beloved tradition here at EWMW. This week we will honor MUD leading up to International Mud Day, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. This camp celebrates a material that is often overlooked. Heighten the senses, and stimulate creativity with its bountiful possibilities. Invent, play, pretend, and experiment outdoors with mud.

  • Craft a Dorodango, a Japanese clay ball
  • Mold a ceramic pot, paint it, and plant a seed in it to demonstrate how mud sustains plants and insects.
  • Construct a mud house inhabited by magical forest creatures you will make.
  • Use mud to stain and paint pictures using rocks, grass, and leaves as your paintbrush
  • Concoct baked goods and dump trucks
  • And much more that the week will bring….
  • Please Note: Dress for a Muddy Mess!

    2024 Mud

    Mud Collage

    Mud Collage

    Mud Face

    Mud Face

    Mud Hands

    Mud Hands

    Mud Portrait

    Mud Portrait

    Mud Tiles

    Mud Tiles

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