Trading Cultures VI: The Vikings in 1000

Eli Whitney Museum

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2010 Summer Program

Viking is the Norse word for sea rover. From the 8th to the 10th Century, bold sailors from Scandanavia journeyed east to Constantinople and west to Newfoundland. Some were explorers, some were pirates, some were merchants. To trade, they carried walrus ivory, skins, furs, hunting falcons, amber and slaves. They sought spices, silks, silver, jewelry, wine, glass and fine pottery. Construct a Viking long boat, the marvel of the age. Assemble its crew. Craft its tools, weapons and cargo. Explore the vast Viking world.
Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

Trading Cultures Vikings

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