Yom Kippur 2015

Eli Whitney Museum

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The Museum offers a day long (9am – 3pm) program to enrich the hours of the school holidays.

Fee per day: $65 ($60 for members)
Before and after care (7:30 am – 5:30 pm) is available at $8 per hour.

We do not need medical forms for Vacation programs unless your child will be bringing an Epi Pen or medication that may need to be administered during the course of the day. We would need the current Medical Administration form signed by the physician and the parents in order to have these medications on hand. The Rx for the prescriptions must also be with the meds.

Click on each program for complete information and link to registration.

Yom Kippur 2015

MAKEing Connections

MAKEing Connections thumbnail

Start with a blank piece of paper. Inventions often begin there.

Look at traditions of transforming paper from around the world. Learn to cut it, tear it, stain it, paint it, mold it, emboss it, fold it. Add a message. Then make an envelope, add a stamp and send it to someone you care about through a now endangered technology: the Postal Service.

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Yom Kippur 2015

Stop Motion Movie Studio

Stop Motion Movie Studio thumbnail

Produce a short film using stop motion animation, a photographic process invented over a century ago which is still used in movies and cartoons to this day. You'll draw and build scenery, characters, and props out of building toys, paper, fasteners, and tape, then tell your epic tale in 60 seconds.

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